Quote Worksheet

NOTE: All fields are required except the file upload.

Steps to getting a detailed fence quote.


1. Determine the layout of your fence (see rough sketch example), including all fence and gate locations.

2. Measure each portion of your fence layout, as shown on the rough sketch example

3. Each section of fence is 8ft long besides the wood grain styles, which are 6ft long. Divide your measurements by 8 or 6 and round up. This is the number of sections of fence you require for each portion of your layout.

4. Determine the type and number of posts you require. The type of posts are listed below with descriptions and also shown on the rough sketch example:

  • Line posts have routing for two holes and are found in the middle of a fence run.
  • End posts have routing of one hole and are found at the end of a fence run.
  • Corner posts have routing for two holes to make a 90 degree angle and are found at the corners of the fence run.
  • Tee posts have routing for three holes and are found typically at the meeting point of multiple yards in the corners. They are used if your neighbours also want to continue the fence in their yard.
  • All way posts have routing on all sides of the post and are typically at the corners where multiple neighbours’ yards meet.
  • Blank posts have no routing on them and are typically used as a gate support post against a house or where no fence connection is required.

5. Determine the number of gates you require. Man gates and RV gates typically require two gate post inserts each. Gate post inserts are aluminum/steel that is concreted into the ground on either side of the gate, to support the gate, which fit inside the 5×5 vinyl posts. Man gates come in kits that can be made up to 6ft wide. An RV kit uses two man gates that latch together and can be made up to 12ft wide.

6. You are almost done! Now put these numbers into the provided quote/order form below and submit it. We will take it from here and get back to you with a detailed quote. Email to [email protected]

Thanks for taking the time to get a quote!

Vinyl Fence Quote form

    1. Fence Style

    (Styles: Full Privacy, Semi Privacy (diagonal or square lattice), Picket Fence (3' or 4'), Horse Rail Fence (3 rail or 2 rail)

    2. Gates

    (Matching gate cap automatically included)

    3. Posts

    (Gate inserts are used on both sides of the gates. For both a man gate and an RV gate you would typically require 2.)

    4. Caps

    (The number of caps typically is the same number of vinyl posts. The standard cap is the flat cap. The solar caps only come in white.) (Gates automatically come with the matching flat cap as the only option so please do not include them here.)

    5. Contact Information

    [group show-delivery]


    Provide any additional notes or a rough sketch

    Ornamental Fence Quote form

      1. Fence Style

      Colour available in black only.

      2. Gates

      3. Posts

      4. Caps

      The number of caps typically is the same number of posts. The standard cap is the flat cap.

      5. Contact Information

      [group show-delivery]


      Provide any additional notes or a rough sketch. See example.

      Barrier Sound Fence Quote form

        1. Fence Style

        2. Posts

        If you are installing a 6-ft fence, the common size would be 2.5”. If you are installing an 8-ft fence, the common size would be 3.5”.

        3. Caps

        The number of caps typically is the same number of posts. The standard cap is the flat cap.

        4. Contact Information

        [group show-delivery]


        Provide any additional notes or a rough sketch. See example.