Artificial Grass

Artificial Grass and Astro Turf

Super lush, super durable, yet soft to the touch!

Canada’s Top Supplier of Artificial/Fake Grass

Oasis Outdoor Products is a dealer for EZ Grass, which is Canada’s leading supplier of premium artificial grass for residential and commercial landscaping, indoor and outdoor sports fields, and putting greens! EZ Grass is incredibly versatile – create custom dog runs, your own private putting green or sports fields, include your company logo, or convert your whole property to EZ Grass to cut down on maintenance time and costs. Artificial grass can be installed in almost any place – indoors, in shady areas, on a roof top – if you can imagine it, EZ Grass can deliver. The possibilities are endless.


Artificial grass is long and fluffy. It’s designed with the purpose of being aesthetically pleasing. There are many types of artificial grasses. It’s an umbrella term for manufactured synthetic fibers to replace real grass. For optimal performance and to ensure its longevity, synthetic grass should be professionally installed.


Some people still use the term “Astro Turf,” but it’s the name of a synthetic turf brand. Artificial turf is short and dense. It’s primarily used for sports fields, playgrounds, and putting greens, so it’s made to withstand a lot of activity. It’s also safer than natural grass, which becomes slippery when it rains. Artificial turf reduces injuries.


Synthetic turf and grass have many benefits:

• Reduced maintenance costs: You won’t need to weed, water, or mow it.
• Year-Round beauty: No matter the season, you’ll have perfectly green grass!
• Lush Landscaping: You won’t have to deal with unsightly pet urine spots or pests.
• Durable material: It can withstand temperatures between +40 and -100° C.
• Environmentally friendly: No pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, or gas-powered mowers needed.
• Allergy-Free: Everyone can enjoy a landscaped area without suffering from seasonal pollen.
• Unlimited design possibilities: It can be installed anywhere, indoor or outdoor.
• Always ready to play: It’s available for use anytime, no matter the climate.
• Save money: No maintenance costs mean a return on your investment in just five years or less.
• Save time: Without having to maintain the lawn, homeowners can focus on other matters.

Have we convinced you that synthetic is the way to go?

Places to install

EZ Grass has many applications for both private and public uses.


Artificial grass can make for lovely indoor carpeting for a themed room, such as an indoor Japanese garden. You can set up a little area for your cats to play in. If you don’t want to take care of the lawn, but don’t fancy paving over it, synthetic grass will give you beauty and peace of mind.

Enjoy golfing, but don’t want to head to the club every time? Install a putting green right in your den or backyard to unwind after work. If your kids are very active, replace the backyard lawn with synthetic turf. The whole family can enjoy a game of soccer or catch on the weekends. Have a dog? Use synthetic turf for their dog run, so they can exercise while still being in a safe space.


Small, medium and large businesses will benefit from artificial landscaping. Fake grass will liven up the building, giving potential clients a good, clean first impression as they enter. You can even advertise your company’s logo on a manicured synthetic lawn.

Because artificial turf is safer than natural grass, it’s the perfect solution for schools and parks. Children will experience fewer injuries while they get caught up in their games. Whether its soccer or football players charging up the field, the turf will endure their cleats and the heavy traffic without having to be replaced after each game.

Learn more

Check out resources detailing the costs and benefits of synthetic turf. Additionally learn how easy installation can be.

Oasis Outdoor Products have the products you need to create your indoor or outdoor paradise: contact us today to get started.

Make The Move to Synthetic Grass

Oasis Outdoor Products

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